
🔋 FreshQL

🚀 What is FreshQL

FreshQL is blazingly fast(at least 10x the speed of Redis) in-memory datastore and has a templating system to display the data built-in. FreshQL reflects my thoughts on building a system for building systems. Systems that deliver simplicity by delivering efficiency.

Let’s build a hello world with FreshQL:

    <title>Hello World</title>
    <h1>Hello World</h1>

Storing this on the path /hello will allow us to visit the page and receive the generated page.

Let’s make it personal:

    <title>Hello {{}}</title>
    <h1>Hello {{}}</h1>

Storing this on the path /hello/{name} allows us to tell the system to get the ‘name’ from the URL and make it available to the generating code.

Once again, we can test this by visiting and receiving the expected greeting.


    <title>Hello {{}}</title>
    <h1>Hello {{}}</h1>
    {% if db.get ("last_seen:" + %}
        <p>Welcome back</p>
    {% endif %}
{% db.set current_time ("last_seen:" + %}
<h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
{% for post in page.posts %}
    <h3>{{ post.title }}</h3>
    <p>{{ post.text }}</p>
    <p>{{ }}</p>
{% endfor %}

And have titles and blog posts materialize automatically from the database, making the entire system self-contained.